
My Experiences of Longmen Grottoes Tour

Cliff total of seven three shrines statues, of which three seated Buddha, four standing Buddha, this cave temple statues combination is extremely rare in China. Maitreya Buddha is the main center, sitting in the square pedestal, overhead damage, only carved the contours, not polished. According to Buddhist records, Maitreya Buddha is the "future Buddha", as the Buddha Sakyamuni's successor and now appear. Maitreya belief in the use of its accession to the throne of Empress Wu of public opinion, then ascended the throne himself, "Cheshire" (ie, Maitreya), to promote the popularity of Maitreya belief. Cliff three shrines of the cut is in this historical backdrop, with the collapse of the right of Wuzhou Zheng, Cliff three shrines and therefore the suspension. Although this group of statues is a semi-finished products, but for us to understand the Grotto of excavation provides a valuable kind of information.

Poke holes carved by the cave north and south sides of neatly arranged in fifteen thousand small Buddha named. Chamber before and after the cave was, before the room made two wrestlers, two lions, after the chamber made a Buddha and two disciples and two Bodhisattvas two kings, is the most complete combination of Longmen Grotto caves. Grottoes are a beautiful lotus flower, surrounded by lotus around for a stone inscription: "Big Tangyong Long on November 30 as the first year, a large monitor Yao God tables, shipped within the Zen temple, thousands Zunxiang a niche." . It shows that the cave is in the palace of the second female officer Yao temple of God within the table and under the auspices of Zen wisdom transport drilled, completed in the first year of the Wing Lung Tang Emperor AD 680. Lord Buddha as the Buddha inside the cave, sitting on the double-lotus pedestal, full round face, shoulders, generous, simple and smooth application of the Tang Dynasty of drapery round knife sculptures. Lord Buddha Shi "fearless and India," said the fearless between heaven and earth, overweening. Lord Buddha sitting on lotus throne, carved in the waist area four Deva King, then struggling up the majesty of the Lord Buddha's calm with the stark contrast, but more to bring out the main Buddhist serenity. Lord Buddha also behind fifty-two lotus, lotus flower on each one Bodhisattvas are sitting, they are sitting or side, or holding lotus, or whispering, looked different, like different groups of girls like. Fifty-two represents the Buddha Buddha from the beginning to the final practice of rank, that is, Shi Xin, ten lives, ten rows of ten to ten, the other felt, Miaojue.

